Rebuild of Evangelion

Evangelion: 02 - You Can (Not) Advance - SPOILER, trapelano notizie sul secondo film

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view post Posted on 26/6/2009, 23:59

Come non darti ragione *Chronos*...

Prepariamoci ad un lungo week end di passioni evangeliche con annesse valanghe di spoiler.
:confusion: :confusion: :confusion: :confusion: :confusion:

A proposito, c'è qualcuno che all'una e cinquanta vuol stappare lo spumante?
view post Posted on 27/6/2009, 00:43

iooo xD
view post Posted on 27/6/2009, 00:44




Anche ioooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo XD

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view post Posted on 27/6/2009, 00:52

abbeveriamoci xDDDD
view post Posted on 27/6/2009, 00:56


Nerv's army


Non bevete troppo che dopo avete mal testa xD
view post Posted on 27/6/2009, 02:30




XD QUI foto di otaku che si sono accampati fuori ai cinema per aspettare il film XD

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view post Posted on 27/6/2009, 09:38

Inarrestabile Individualità Supervanitosa



Iniziano a circolare voci sulla trama *_*

qui c'è un lunghissimo articolo in inglese, cerco di riassumere tradurre wiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Non so se è in ordine cronologico, mi sa che salta un poco:
(traduzione non letterale, interpreto iun poco XD)

*gli studenti vanno a vedere in un acquario le creature che vivevano nel mare
*Kaji e Asuka non arrivano assieme in Giappone
*Asuka si propone per testare lo 04 (non ho capito O_O lo 04? non lo 03? dice al posto di Toji bhò)
*lo 04 (03 bhà) è naturalmente posseduto da Bardiel e lo 01 con il dummy lo fa fuori con Asuka dentro
*Mari ruba lo 02 O__O e combatte con Zuruel
*non ho capito ma qualcuno viene smembrato
*Rei con Bardiel cerca il suicidio con la N2 ma fallisce, Zuruel mangia una parte dell'Eva 00 e di lei O_O bhòòò
*Shinji se ne va dalla Nerv dopo la morte di Asuka e...

poi non capisco parlano di Third Impact O_O Kaworu scende dalla luna e dice a "solo Shinji trova la felicità"

sono sconvoltaaaaa O_O
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[ Berto87 ]
view post Posted on 27/6/2009, 09:40

Alcune immagini dell'Eva Extra dato a chi andava al cinema:
SPOILER (click to view)

E poi un possibile (ripeto possibile) spoiler:

SPOILER (click to view)
Nell'attivazione dell'Eva 03, come pilota verrebbe usata Asuka, ch rimarrebbe contaminata dall'Angelo, per cui successivamente l'Eva 02 verrebbe pilotato da Mari...
view post Posted on 27/6/2009, 09:44

Inarrestabile Individualità Supervanitosa



Dai in questa discussione non mettiamo sotto spoiler XD

O_O lo 02 in berserk che impressione :disp:
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[ Berto87 ]
view post Posted on 27/6/2009, 09:45

Ho messo sotto spoiler per eccesso di sicurezza....

Grosso spoiler:
To start off, Eva unit 05 fight against the (assumingly) 3rd Angel, our tunnel friend at a base. It destroys the angel but Eva unit 05 has "evaporated". Kaji escapes Via helicopter with Nebuchadnezzar's key, NOT adam, and delivers it to Gendo and fuyutsuki. Gendo and Shinji later Visit Yui's gravesite, and while returning shinji sees the clock Angel. Asuka appears. She destroys the angel by herself, utilizing the s-type equipment. Asuka calls Rei "Ekohiiki" And Shinji "Nana hikari". Shinji, Asuka, Rei, Touji, Kensuke and Kaji go to the Organization for Research on the Preservation of the Marine Ecosystem. The project is to make the oceans blue and habitable again.
-Gendou and Fuyutsuki and go to the moon where the inspection of Eva-06, takes place. Kaworu splashes an appearance clad in pants. A new angel appears. It is a giant ball in Earth orbit. It's covered in an AT field and cannot be phased in space. The fight stays true to episode 12, deploying the three evas to destroy it. Gendo congratulates shinji.
Eva unit 04 disappears like in episode 17. Unit 03 is shipped in from America. Due to the limitations of the "Vatican Treaty" (which allows each nation to have a maximum of 3 Evangelions), Eva-02 is put into storage.

immagini dell'Eva Extra:

Edited by [ Berto87 ] - 27/6/2009, 10:49
view post Posted on 27/6/2009, 09:49

Inarrestabile Individualità Supervanitosa



lo 05 contro il 3° angelo non lo capisco mmm

lo 05 che evapora O_O

la chiave di Nebuchadnezzar che caspio è?

Gendo e Kozo vanno sulla Luna? Gita spaziale!

Ah il Vaticano non vuole che una nazione abbia più di 3 eva XDDD bella questa
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[ Berto87 ]
view post Posted on 27/6/2009, 09:54

First, this is an absolute visual feast. Truly, Studio Khara and directors Tsurumaki Kazuya and Anno Hideaki have done an amazing job. Every individual frame is a work of art, a complete composition full of symbolism, and the dense frames work together to create breathtakingly fluid motion. The action is blistering and visceral. Some standout examples are the opening scene where Mari chases and battles an Angel at high speed inside the corridors of her base, the showdown between Unit 01 and 04 and the climatic confrontation with the fourteenth Angel, Zeruel. With these visuals, the music is a real let down. There is no new theme song (Utada Hikaru does an acoustic rendition of “Beautiful World”), and BGM is a mix of nostalgic sounds from the series and wonky stuff you would expect to find in a Japanese TV drama from the 1990s. This often doesn’t gel. Classic music is replaced by old-fashioned songs sung by kids. One such innocent song is used to great effect in when juxtaposed with the newfound brutality of the tragic end of Unit 04. A similar song is used later, however, and it just seems cheap.

The world in which the horrible violence of Eva and Angel battles takes place is on the whole a lot more cheerful (perhaps the reason for some of that cheesy BGM). Scenes of daily life, for example people commuting in the city or the protagonists in a regular school setting, are more common and warm. The inclusion of settings outside Japan, and simple scenes like Kaji farming, create a more balanced worldview. People are less twisted and disturbed; after promoting from Ayanami, Commander Ikari actually considers his son, Shinji’s well being and agrees to have dinner with him (it doesn’t happen, but it’s the thought that counts). The students all go to see an aquarium where sea creatures that were wild before Second Impact are kept. The story is, as with the first movie, streamlined and simplified. Ikari explains key plot points like the conflict of interest with SEELE, and what will happen with Unit 01 and Ayanami. There aren’t the superfluous Angel attacks, or painful human relationships, for that matter. For example, the center of the narrative is clearly Shinji and Ayanami, and the pattern of their attraction is simplified to classroom settings and making food for each other. Asuka and Kaji do not come to Japan together, and actually have little connection. Kaji and Misato’s attraction (and Misato and Shinji’s for that matter) is similarly downplayed to keep the focus on Shinji and Ayanami. (Kaji does sexually harass Shinji, though!)

Asuka does in her usual way tsundere way express feelings for Shinji, for example feeling lonely and coming to sleep in his room (this is not sleep walking as in the TV series) and confronting Ayanami about her feelings for him (this is after she calls Ayanami a doll in the infamous elevator scene, and it is masterfully played here). She is a compelling character here, maybe even more so than in the original series, and her drive to excel, lack of social skills and loneliness really shine through. She also has some great fan service moments in shimapan and bursting naked from the shower. But instead of pursuing Shinji, she volunteers to test pilot Eva Unit 04 from the United States. Yes, Asuka, not Toji. It is infected by an Angel, Shinji refuses to fight and the dummy plug system takes control of Eva Unit 01, which horribly destroys Unit 04 – and crushes the entry plug containing Asuka in its mouth. Thankfully, the dummy plug system in this theatrical version does not make Shinji watch this. Not soon after this, Mari sneaks into NERV headquarters and takes Asuka’s Unit 02 to fight Zeruel. I am grateful that she is not a copy of Asuka, but a very Earthy, even bestial character unique in her own right (nice balance to all these ethereal characters). She drives Unit 02 berserk and has a knock down brawl, but gets cruelly dismembered.

In that same Angel battle, Ayanami does her suicide attack with the N2 bomb. It fails, and the badass Zeruel bites her Eva in half and swallows it, including her. Shinji quit NERV after the death of Asuka, but snaps out of his funk after seeing the heroics of Mari and the death of Ayanami. He flips out, and goes berserk (very “Gurren Lagann” here). He gains so much power that Eva 01 becomes a god able to rip a hole in the Angel and extract Ayanami. Shinji insists on doing this, even though Ayanami tells him she “has spares,” because he says there is only one Ayanami. (Cue the romantic violins… This burns my ass, because face it, she is a clone, and Asuka was sure replaced fast enough…). The reborn Ayanami merges with Unit 01 and sets into motion Third Impact. Luckily Kaworu, who has been waiting shirtless on the face of the moon, descends and impales Unit 01, stopping the process. He says he will make “only Shinji find happiness.”

The trailer for the next film, “Quickening,” offers many intriguing info bites, including the return of all the characters, including Asuka in an eye-patch, and Unit 08. Guess I will be in line two years from now, too.

Se quello che leggo è vero...... sono colpito......
view post Posted on 27/6/2009, 09:56

Dei, sono sconvolto pure io O__O

quello sarebbe lo 02 in Bersek?! :coss:
view post Posted on 27/6/2009, 09:59

Inarrestabile Individualità Supervanitosa




Asuka con lo 03 (credo che il tipo abbia sbagliato a scrivere 04) ma ma ma cioè... lo 01 la fa fuori?

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view post Posted on 27/6/2009, 10:01




*sempre più sconvolto*
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